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Words By JDIV in 2024.

©2024 James Dawson. All rights reserved. 
Hanging by a thread, yet stitching a blanket.
— JDIV, September 2024
- Afraid -

Why are we all afraid?

Afraid to do things line by line.
Afraid to waste a little time.
Afraid to spend a single dime.
Afraid to lose what’s mine.
Afraid to give out a sign.
Afraid to say we aren’t fine.
Afraid to take a step behind.
Afraid of what we may find.
Afraid to even whine.

All of these are a crime,
Our eyes have grown blind,
By fears that trap our mind.
— JDIV, April 2024
In the darkest depths, there is a light.
Born and formed, by power and might.
Shapes have bloomed, within sight.
Perfection obtained, and all was right.
Separation gave way, for day and night.
A universe aligned, without a fight.
It reached its peak, this was its height.
Stars and planets, a wondrous delight.
Expansion grew, it was no longer tight.

All together, what came was life.
— JDIV, June 2024
Lift up yourself.
Lift up others.
Lift up your eyes.
Lift up your words.
Lift up your hopes.
Lift up your dreams.
Lift up your ideas.

Don’t ever shut DOWN.
If you’re already feeling down,
read this again.
— JDIV, June 2024
We decide who we want to be.
— JDIV, August 2024
The whisper of a wind carries seeds far.
— JDIV, August 2024
Among the thorns, a rose blooms.
— JDIV, August 2024
Losing teaches you how to win.
Criticism teaches you how to be better.
Losing criticism teaches you nothing.
— JDIV, July 2024
Advice for anything:

Just think about it first.
— JDIV, July 2024
Words alone have no meaning, except that which we assign to them.

Assign a meaning to your life. You are the only one living it and you should be the one to choose its meaning.
— JDIV, July 2024
You must first lose, in order to win.
— JDIV, July 2024
A hook is extremely attractive to a fish at first glance.
— JDIV, July 2024
The core of maturity is the ability to consider another’s perspective.
— JDIV, June 2024
Sifting through your thoughts determines how you react. Which of those do you listen to?
— JDIV, June 2024
I exist.
Two words that speak volumes.
— JDIV, June 2024
Enjoy the small things; big things don’t happen often.
— JDIV, June 2024
Take your time deciding how you feel about someone. You don’t want to end up feeling stuck when the butterflies go to sleep.
— JDIV, June 2024
If you would like to know the answer to a question, ask it.
— JDIV, June 2024
When you accomplish something and no one makes noise for you, rent the venue anyway. Make your own noise. You deserve it!
— JDIV, June 2024
There comes a time in your life where you do get the things you wanted many years ago. Good thing it didn’t stop there.
— JDIV, June 2024
Our eyes are only able to see a small part of the visible spectrum. Have you really seen it all?
— JDIV, June 2024
If you are too afraid to go after the things you want, how will you ever get them?
— JDIV, June 2024
Sugar, spice, and everything nice never comes with a price.

Add in some greed, it’ll grow like a weed; killing the beautiful flower’s seed.
— JDIV, June 2024
Dreams are just things that haven’t happened yet.
— JDIV, June 2024
Sometimes you aren’t compatible.

Imagine hugging a scared porcupine.
— JDIV, June 2024
Inspiring one soul at a time contains more love than trying to inspire everyone at once.
— JDIV, June 2024
Snow is always cold.

If it wasn’t, it’d be Water.
— JDIV, May 2024
A pen can write, but only if it’s given a helping hand.
— JDIV, 2024
Be like the moon, cast your light in the darkness.
— JDIV, 2024
Want something to change?
Change something you do.
— JDIV, June 2024
Looking at the stars,
Allows you to see,
Light from the past.
— JDIV, 2024
What is impossible for me,

Probably isn’t for you.
— JDIV, 2024
If it’s not given water, soil, and sunlight,
A plant cannot grow.

What are your basic needs for growth?
— JDIV, 2024
Pull out your black magic mirror,
flip to the selfie cam,
and ask it,
”Who is the fairest in the land?”
— JDIV, 2024
Success is like a game:
Choose the level you’d like to reach,
Check the level you’re currently at...

Realize: Any level is better than never playing.
— JDIV, 2024
Every bird finds worms:
Some give it to their young;
Some eat the entire thing;
Some carry it for days;
Some Drop it mid-flight.

What do you do with your worms in life?
— JDIV, 2024
When you open your mind, you learn.
When you open your eyes, you see.
When you open your heart, you love.
But when you open your mouth, it’s a surprise! Choose wisely.
— JDIV, 2024
Some people will use you.
It’s almost a guarantee.
The joke is on them!

They are telling you how useful you are as a person.
— JDIV, 2024
We are all imperfect. The word itself says: I’m perfect.

The very word tells you:
You are perfect by being imperfect.
— JDIV, 2024
If you are not yourself 100% of the time,

Who are you?
— JDIV, 2024
You choose what types of treatment to accept.
— JDIV, 2024
Once you realize you know nothing, you know all that you need to know.
— JDIV, 2024
I choose to see the happy things, as I walk the path of life.
— JDIV, 2024
What is the meaning of life?

To share who you are and what you have been give with the world.
— JDIV, 2024
Don’t want bad things said about your actions?

Don’t do bad things.
— JDIV, 2024
We all have the same goal:

— JDIV, 2024
A person may be just another open door,

Value the ones that walk through it to find YOU.
— JDIV, 2024
Most companies follow the money. YOU show them what things are worth money.
— JDIV, 2024
Don’t seek one good night,

Look for a good life.
— JDIV, 2024
A flower doesn’t only bloom once, it keeps blooming from growth.
— JDIV, 2024
Did you know that if you wish for a wish, then it was wanted and granted at the same time?

Try it and may your wish come true!
— JDIV, 2024
Do what you do best. Haters learn this early on.
— JDIV, 2024
If you think about the past often, that is where you will go.

If you think about the future often, that is where you will go.
— JDIV, 2024
Worms can turn more soil than a human can. They cause the soil to be fertile.

Often considered to be gross, they are of much value.
— JDIV, 2024
Fish don’t mind changing their direction with the river. They literally “go with the flow”; growing along the way.

Don’t let a fear of change prevent you from growing.
— JDIV, 2024
Ants and bees are the world’s hardest workers. They are also very small creatures.

Be careful about which judgements you listen to.
— JDIV, 2024
If you haven’t thought about it yet, what one word’s power can do is amazing.

A single word can change your life: Love, Family, Success

Just a few examples.
— JDIV, 2024
The tide may rise high and fall low, but yet it continues to do this every single day.

Persistence matters: Do not give up.
— JDIV, 2024
Trees are wonderful. They sit still in the dirt and no matter how many things come after them, they continue to grow.
— JDIV, 2024
Do something, get something.

Do nothing, get nothing.
— JDIV, 2024
“That is not worth it.”

This is an opinion. Each of us decides for ourselves the values of things.
— JDIV, 2024
What if... Nothing went wrong, and you doubted yourself for nothing?
— JDIV, 2024
If anyone has stolen from you,

Theives only steal things of value.
— JDIV, 2024
We are able to send the truth to the world in mere seconds.

The same is true for lies.
— JDIV, 2024
One mistake can set you back 50 years,

Or it can establish your future.
— JDIV, 2024
If you are thankful every day,

What more could you want?
— JDIV, 2024
In a world of instant connectedness,

We are more alone than ever.
— JDIV, 2024
I have layers like onions:

If you cut too deep,
You’ll cry.
— JDIV, 2024