Princess Azulia

A Rhyme Story

   Princess Azulia uses her ability to heal to help others for free, but some people want to get rich by selling her services. This story is short, but written to rhyme. 

Fiction / Rhyme Story

Recommended Age: 8+

Content Triggers: Abduction, Minimal Violence

Word Count: 1, 411 / Pages: TBD

Published: 05/26/2024

Book born on May 26th, 2023. Princess Azulia ©2024 James Dawson. All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction.
Idea formulated on February 3rd, 2024.
Book born on May 26th, 2023.
Published by JDIV.
Princess Azulia ©2024 James Dawson.
All rights reserved.

Part 1

Who is Princess Azulia?

Our princess, Azulia, had the power to heal.

She could cure it all with a simple feel.

People came to her and would kneel.

Everyone lined up within her sight.

They stared at her. She always wore white.

Some were sick and some came from a fight.

A bee sting, covered with dirt.

Azulia touched where it hurt,

Then wiped her hands on her skirt.

One boy was very ill,

And found no help from any pill.

She said, “Give you help, I will.”

She helped her people from dawn until night.

She only slept when there was no more light.

She always tried to do what was right.

An elderly man,

A girl who cut her hand,

Even a dog that ate some sand.

A coughing spell,

A baby feeling unwell,

And even a woman who fell.

A horse and a hare,

A person from jail,

Even a very large bear.

The list goes on and on.

She was there every dawn,

Sitting on the castle’s lawn.

“I’m tired,” she had to admit.

When they heard, some threw a fit.

Her energy was not infinite.

A few strange cases came her way,

But they were rare, not everyday.

“I should explain,” is what they’d say.

Bob, the town baker, was one.

He claimed he never had any fun.

Her hand on his head, and she was done.

Another odd case was a girl, named Jayce.

She had a large wound on her face.

She said she got injured running a race.

It was odd because there was no pain.

Help from Azulia, she wished to gain,

Healing until no mark remained.

Each heal only took a second or two.

“Our princess always knows what to do.”

Their troubles melted like morning dew.

Some were young and some were old.

Some were warm and some were cold.

Her services were never sold.

The King knew his daughter was rare.

The people knew her level of care.

No one would harm her, they wouldn’t dare.

A power like that could do anything.

The birds even came to the lawn to sing,

Among all the sick, their tune would ring.

Some would try to cut in line.

They thought they were worse and it’d be fine,

The people forced them far behind.

When Azulia seen, she would sigh.

There were always more people than stars in the sky.

But every night, she had to say bye.

People came from all around,

She was unable to hear from the chattering sounds,

So she laid back upon the ground.

The King spoke up and this he said,

“If you talk too much, some will be dead.

If her head aches bad, she’ll go to bed.”

Often this is how it’d go,

None were able to heal her, so,

These events caused her to say, “No.”

Some would try to offer pay,

For a private healing, on that day.

“I never accept money,” she would say.

Part 2

Who took Princess Azulia?

She had one good friend.

They first met when she was ten.

Lack of time made that friendship end.

Her name was Selene.

She could be very mean.

Together, they made a good team.

As they grew apart,

Selene had a fresh start.

What hurt was her heart.

Selene formed a group that wanted more.

A personal healer, they did adore.

They wanted to sell her power to not be poor.

They devised a wicked plan.

They stole the princess from the land.

“Stop crying!” yelled a man.

Her help was only given to those with wealth.

She was forced to improve the rich’s health.

They worked at night with great stealth.

She was now the one that needed saved.

The poor princess that gave and gave.

She worried they would place her in a grave.

They committed a serious crime.

They collected each and every dime.

How long would it be? How much time?

Selene became her enemy.

Azulia did not want to believe,

That this was caused by greed of money.

A hero came and started to fight.

He slashed at them with all his might.

They hid the princess from everyone’s sight.

Selene demanded her to heal her team.

Azulia did as told, it would seem.

The enemies were healed, but still very mean.

She healed them every time they asked,

Because she feared telling them she’d pass.

She wished things were like the past.

A time came where Azulia said, “No.

I will not heal you. I will not go.”

All of their minds seemed to blow.

“Do not refuse what we command.

You’re in no position to make a demand.

Now we’ll bind and shackle each hand.

You cannot win. Don’t even try.

Take a seat. Have a cry.

We wouldn’t want the princess to die.”

Selene looked weak, in her knees.

She said, “Let her go. Leave her be.”

They said, “You are a girl that we don’t need.”

Selene grew careful with her speech.

She didn’t want to learn how they teach.

Instead, she placed the key within reach.

Azulia snatched it from a chair.

She hid and tangled it in her hair.

Selene spoke one word, “Beware.”

Azulia ran and ran some more.

Through the streets, she would soar.

She was safe with people she helped before.

The bad group hunted day and night.

She needed help, she was not alright.

She cried to sleep from her fright.

Part 3

Where is Princess Azulia?

A merchant recognized what she gave.

She helped him once, he had not paid.

The princess, he wanted to save.

He called her over, but she did not come.

She thought that going would be dumb.

Until he showed her his thumb.

She remembered helping him.

His joy was bursting at the brim.

He asked, “Can you swim?”

Both of them boarded his ship.

“Dress like a sailor,” came from his lips.

“Drink, Princess, take some sips.”

They arrived at a town.

The merchant walked around.

“Azulia, is what I have found.

Come on down, she’ll heal you quick.

She’ll cure all who are sick.”

His speech was very slick.

“You only want money?” she had asked.

“It’s to pay for you to travel fast.

Do not worry. Don’t be rash.”

They walked to the King of that land.

But that King had another plan.

“I hope, Princess, that you’d understand.”

He dressed her in the finest clothes.

He told the people to form rows.

“I want to go home, it’s all I know.”

“You will, I promise. One day.”

That was not what she wanted him to say,

She ran and hid away.

Part 4

Who found Princess Azulia?

The hero showed his face once more.

She saw him standing at the castle door.

He spoke and dropped to the floor.

“Her father wants her to come home.

You must allow us to travel alone.

A price so high, you’d change your tone.”

This King paused and considered the deal.

“To me, this amount, does appeal.

I agree. Here is my seal.

It will grant you passage through my land.

If anyone stops you at the sand,

Tell them you are my royal man.”

The hero grabbed Azulia, but she stopped.

She seen Selene standing at a shop.

To a knee, the hero dropped.

“Fair lady will you come with us?

Please don’t cause us any fuss.

The princess insists, it is a must.”

Once she heard, Selene ran fast.

She hugged her like a friend from her past.

Selene was healed and let out a gasp.

All three boarded a fine ship.

The old friends became attached at the hip.

The three talked and chatted the entire trip.

Azulia’s father was happy as can be.

His daughter was now finally free.

He rejoiced and rewarded all three.

“Azulia, dear, I must confess.

No longer can you heal, it’s for the best.

Do it only in secret. You can’t help all the rest.”

The hero drove her all around.

She traveled until the people would surround.

Moving from town to town.

She never went far away.

She always made time to visit each day.

Her dad and Selene would often say,

“Just seeing Azulia, brightens my day.”