Legend: Short Stories Book Cover JDIV

Legend: Short Stories

A collection of ten short stories featuring dragons, witches, and more! Delve into the unique plots and take short journeys into the unknown. Each story is under 5,000 words. If one of these stories piques your interest enough to stay with you, then you should turn it into a full story of your own! I can’t wait to see what you create.

Teen Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories / Myths, Legends, and Fables

Recommended Age: 13+

Content Triggers: Death, Violence

Word Count: Under 5,000 Each / Pages: 98

Published: 02/10/2024

Book born on Jan 16th, 2024. Legend: Short Stories ©2024 James Dawson. All rights reserved.

Stories Include:

Witch’s Curse

Sculpt By Snake

Dragon Tale

Lost Dust

Magical Trap

Blood Family

The Egg

Vanishing Forest

Firefly Tree

Sword of Legend

Deleted Outlines

Legend: Short Stories Bookmarks

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Legend: Short Stories Bookmarks JDIV

Legend: Short Stories


This is a work of fiction.
 Idea formulated on October 14th, 2023.
 Book born on January 16th, 2024.
 Published by JDIV.
 Legend: Short Stories ©2024 James Dawson. All
 rights reserved.
 Visit my website at: www.jdiv.net

1 - Witch’s Curse

“It’s been ten years and you still remain cursed!”

The voice startled Prince Al and he turned around to face the voice’s owner. He stared at her beautiful complexion and admired her purple hair flowing past her shoulders. He slid his eyes further down, and noticed that her outfit was just as beautiful.

“What are you talking about?” the Prince confidently asked.

The woman tossed her hair over her shoulder and spoke, “I cursed you ten years ago and you are still cursed! Don’t you want to know how to remove it?”

Prince Al thought for a moment and questioned her, “What am I cursed with?”

The woman laughed before explaining, “You are unable to find true love until you feel an ounce of real love toward someone of a lower status.”

Al’s eyes grew large and developed a twinkle. “Here I am—staring true love in the eyes.”

Immediately, the heat rose to the woman’s cheeks, and turned them a slight pink color. She batted her lashes and asked, “Is that so, Prince Al?”

“Come away with me and make me happy for all the days I have left,” he begged.

She drew closer to him so that he could feel and smell her breath. She whispered, “I am Gemma, head witch of this land. Why do you not want to know more about your curse?”

“You said it has been ten years, and if that’s true, then it never bothered me before—until now. Your beauty and skill has taken root in my heart! I beg you to come away with me!” Prince Al placed his arm around her lower back and gently leaned her backwards.

She moved her head to align her lips with his, but stopped before they touched. She whispered, “I will go away with you.”

At that very moment, the Prince’s lips leaped forward into Gemma’s. He stood her back up and interlocked his fingers with hers. Al led her to his car and opened the door for her. She got in as Al’s driver opened the opposite door for him. While seated, Gemma tilted both of her knees in Al’s direction and watched as he struggled to take his eyes off them.

She interrogated Al, “Will I be happy? Will you make sure of it?”

“You will. We both will. I’ll schedule the wedding as soon as we arrive at the Palace,” Al answered.

Gemma asked with her eyes darting between his eyes and lips, “Are you sure this isn’t too fast for you, Prince Al?”

“You have broken my curse, after all. Beautiful and talented, what more could I wish for?” Al gushed.

Gemma’s cheeks filled with a pink glow as she leaned into his body, and they kissed again. She pulled away to mention, “It worked better than I could have ever hoped.” She leaned back in for more.

They arrived at the Palace and Al’s driver opened his door. The Prince squeezed Gemma’s hand and gently pulled her out of his open door with him. He pushed back the large doors and guided her up a staircase.

She stopped walking and revealed, “I need to use the ladies’ room.”

“It’s down the hall and to the right. Don’t be long.” Al beamed a smile in her direction.

Gemma entered the bathroom and went straight to the mirror. She messed her hair up slightly, pulled her top down an inch lower, and hiked her skirt up. She removed the heels from her feet and checked her stockings for runs. Carrying her heels in her hand, she paused in front of the Prince’s chambers. She stared at him, and took in every detail that she was able to notice. She indulged in the sight of his sleek tan slacks and his white dress shirt. Her eyes followed the golden tie all the way up until they locked on the view of his lips.

He looked up from his phone and announced, “The wedding has been set for October 31st.”

Gemma’s smile stretched across her face with every tooth exposed. She placed her hands on his chest and whispered, “There are a few more things that I want first.”

The Prince stared passionately into her eyes. “Name them,” he demands.

“I will, tomorrow,” She answered and immediately their lips locked again.

Gemma woke up first and sat at the desk next to the Prince’s bed. She wrote out a list of demands for him. It began with the words, “Once you become the king, I want you to set the following laws…” The list contains a bunch of laws to improve the lives of the more common people. She placed it in an envelope and dripped wax on the flap of it. She pressed the Prince’s seal into the wax and smeared fresh lipstick on her lips. She kissed the front of the envelope so the Prince will know who it’s from. She left it on his desk, lipstick side facing the air. Gemma left the Palace and saw a few men standing beside their cars.

She asked, “Who will help a young lady like myself?”

Each driver opened the passenger side door of their car and Gemma entered the one nearest her.

The driver asked, “Where are we going this morning, young lady?”

“To my home.”

He shut her door and hopped in the driver’s seat. He exclaimed, “Away we go!”

Once they arrived, she entered her cottage and began collecting items. She set a box on the table and filled it with glass jars, vials, and random ingredients. “Oh, I’ll need clothes!” She hurried to her wardrobe and grabbed a large stack of garments. She eyed up the cauldron. “That will have to stay.” She paced around the entire place, trying to remember what she would need. She demanded, “Driver! Come help me with my things.”

The man entered her home and said, “Of course, milady.” He began to haul the many things to the car’s trunk. “That’s all of it. Shall we return now?”

“Thank you, Sir. Yes, let’s return to the Palace now.” She kept a watch on her belongings the entire trip back.

“Where should I place your things?” the driver asked.

She hesitated and then announced, “The room next to the Prince’s chambers, please.”

With all the noise occurring from moving all of Gemma’s belongings to the room next to his, the Prince’s sleep became disturbed.

“What is going on here?” Al demanded.

Gemma stared at him for a moment and then said, “I’m moving my things next to you, my love.” The Prince smiled. Gemma continued, “Have you received my letter? It’s on your desk.”

Al bellowed, “I have not. I will give that a read immediately.”

The Prince retreated to his desk and ran his finger along the lip imprint. He read the letter to the end before making any facial expression. Gemma stared at him while he read until the driver interrupted her.

“I have finished transferring your belongings, Miss.”

“Thank you kindly,” she said with a wink. Gemma entered the adjacent room and started to organize her belongings.

Prince Al walked over to her room and found her placing her clothes in her new wardrobe. He placed his hand on her back and whispered, “You have great taste for clothing, Gemma.” She turned around to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He continued, “I have read your list and I agree with what you’ve written. It must wait until I am the king, though.”

She giggled and kept her eyes locked onto his. She whispered, “I’m willing to wait for that day. It will be the most amazing day—for everyone.” She pushed her face towards his and their lips met again. “I hope you aren’t upset that I’ve disturbed your sleep.”

“It was well worth it,” he revealed.

The day before the wedding arrived with chaos, hope, and much love. The rain fell heavily as all of the people came to decorate. Gemma stood inside, monitoring all of the decorations. She shouted out demands periodically. “Not there! Over here! Stop! What are you doing? That goes next to that!” The people said nothing in response and tried to follow her every demand. “Why are you putting that there? Ugh!” She walked outside into the rain to take a break. When she entered the building again, she announced, “I thank you all kindly for your help. I’m just stressed out. Please, try to understand that I don’t mean to be rude.”

Each of the workers approached Gemma and told her, “It’s okay, milady.” A few of them even said, “We still love you, milady.”

Eventually all the decorations and preparations were finished. Gemma retired to her room to sleep the day away. Tomorrow is her big day.

As soon as she woke up, she traveled to the venue to do a final check before she changed into her wedding gown. Black, glittering lace hung all over the ceiling. The benches were adorned with purple, sheer fabric. Carved jack-o’-lanterns sat next to each bench, facing the center aisle. Each candle inside the pumpkins was lit and glowing. Purple, black, and red roses lined the walls next to the stained glass windows. White webbing was spread randomly throughout the interior. The podium setting front and center had crystals of various colors dangling from it. The spotlights at the sides of the podium shone up towards the ceiling and forced the hanging lace to glitter and sparkle at different positions. The center chandelier had a large white sphere attached to its bottom to represent a full moon. Even the black piano in the far rear corner was decorated with webbing and purple glitter. The only thing out of place in the entire building was the cake that was selected by Prince Al. It’s a pure white cake with very simple designs. Gemma stared at it, but knew she could not go against his decision on that. That was the only part he wished to select for their wedding. She strutted down the purple and gold embroidered center aisle carpet. She stopped periodically to perform twirls and spins.

A lady approached her and shouted, “You have to get dressed! Hurry! Time is running out!”

Gemma gasped and then rushed towards her changing room to put on her wedding dress. She slid on purple tights and a second pair of black lace tights over those. She stared at her dress. It’s a purple silk dress with a black lace layer covering all of the silk. It traveled from her shoulders, past her core, until it reached her knees. She slipped on her black heels and put on her pumpkin earrings. It was Halloween after all. She looked at both veils before her and chose the purple one to wear.

The music started to play and Gemma wondered how long she had been getting dressed for. She rushed to the door to get into position to walk down the center aisle. She spotted Prince Al dressed all in black except for the few purple accents and his tie. She kept her eyes fixed on him, and admired how handsome he was as she strutted down the aisle.

They performed the ceremony, slipped the rings on each other, and then came the part the entire kingdom had been waiting for.

The pastor announced, “I now pronounce you, husband and wife!” The pastor continued, “You may now kiss the bride.”

Prince Al lifted the veil from Gemma’s face and they kissed.

In unison, they all shouted, “Long live the Prince and his wife!”

The days afterwards were a blur for all of the people, except for Al and Gemma. They enjoyed their time together as newlyweds. They went to events and lavish parties. They kissed many, many, times. Everything occurred as was expected.

A few months passed when the terrible news came. The King had become ill. He was confined to his bed for some time now.

Prince Al enters his father’s chambers. “Father, look what has become of you,” he cried.

The King demanded, “You must declare yourself as King to the people. The time has come. I do not feel like I will continue on much longer. I am no longer fit to rule. Son, do this for me, or I will be forced to command you to do it.”

“As you wish, Father,” was his response.

The Prince rings the alarm and the people gather to face the Palace. Gemma stood next to Al. Al stated, “My Father, the King, is no longer fit to rule. He has instructed me to take his role upon myself. I will now be your King!” He turned to face his wife. “Gemma will be your Queen. Together we will drive this kingdom into prosperity after we mourn the loss of our former King. I pray that we still will have time with him, but he fears it won’t be long.” Al swallowed hard. “Go and mourn his weakened state, afterwards I promise to hold a celebration of my kingship. That is all.” Gemma walked over and kissed Al. They walked, with their hands interlocked, back inside the Palace.

They both went to the King’s chambers. Al asked his father, “Is there anything I will need to know before you pass?”

“All that you know, Son, is all that you need to know,” the King asserted. “You have been raised as royalty your entire life. Continue on, knowing how I’d expect you to carry out your new duties.”

Al replied, “Very well, Father.” He leaned down to kiss his hand.

Gemma bent her knees and lifted the edges of her skirt, while she nodded in the King’s direction.

“Start your duties. Now!” The King demanded.

Both Gemma and the new King exited the chambers. They returned to their room.

Gemma asked, “When will you enact those laws that I’ve requested so long ago?”

“My love, I will enact them tomorrow,” he assured her.

They both lie upon the bed. Al cried, and with each tear, Gemma rubbed him to calm him.

The morning came and the news was delivered by a servant. “The King passed last night in his sleep. He looked like he was at peace.”

“Let me see!” demanded Al.

They walked into the King’s chambers to find him lying motionless upon his bed.

“See to it that he has a nice funeral,” Al demanded.

“Certainly, your Majesty,” the servant agreed.

The funeral was quick, that very day. The kingdom waited while the King was ill and they did not wish to wait any longer. Al addressed them in front of the Palace again.

“My father passed away in his sleep. Now I will rule you with a few new laws in mind. These are the laws that I declare…”

Al began listing all of the laws that endowed the common people with more freedoms than they had previously. King Al stepped in toward the group of people and they all circled around him. After he finished the list of laws, he dismissed the people. There was a group of five young, beautiful females that surrounded the new King. Gemma watched as they each played with their hair and giggled around Al. Some of them even reached for a chance to be touched by the new King. Jealousy consumed Gemma and she knew what she must do.

She retreated to her room and began crafting a curse of such power that she has never messed with before. She laughed, “No one will ever love the King the way that I do. I will make sure of it!” She poured out a vial of liquid that transformed into a dark, hazy cloud. The cloud grew to cover even the far reaches of the kingdom.

The next day was worse than the last. A servant entered the new King’s chamber.

“It seems that all of the people’s love for you has shifted to hate overnight. What shall we do? A mob is on their way here right now!” he stammered.

The King demanded, “Fetch a car from the entrance. Have it ready to transport my Queen to safety. Alert our army as well.”

The servant reluctantly said, “As you wish, my King.”

The King turned to Gemma and commanded her, “Grab all that you’d like to take with you. I will make sure you are safe, my love.”

She panicked and didn’t respond. She ran through the various rooms to collect what she wanted to take with her. After a few bags were selected, the servant hoisted them up and carried them to load them into the car. The King led his Queen, arm in arm, until she was safely seated in the vehicle. The soldiers ran out of the entrance and surrounded the car.

“Where am I going, Sir?” the driver asked.

Al commanded him, “I command you to escort the Queen to the abandoned watchtower on the edge of the land.”

“I will do as I have been asked,” the driver responded.

The vehicle drove off quickly towards the watchtower. The soldiers surrounded their King. Debris started falling towards the King as the mob drew near. There was much bloodshed that day.

Time went on without as much as a note from a servant. The Queen remained in the tower, only leaving to fetch food. She stayed there and waited for a week and hoped to see her lover just one more time. He never came though. A few more days passed when Gemma started vomiting. She knew what this meant. It meant that she was pregnant with a child. She devoted her life to raising that child, the last piece remaining of her husband.

“The time kept on crawling, dear. Soon enough ten years have passed,” Gemma weakly stated. She stared at the young girl before her, tracing her long blond hair with her eyes.

The girl considered her thoughts for a moment. She asked, “I just turned ten, Mom.”

“That’s correct, dear. I have always told you that you are a princess. Do you not still remember?” Gemma hints.

The girl’s curiosity grew and ignited a spark inside her. “Does that mean the story is true, Mom?”

Then her eyes lowered to the purple dress attached to the girl. “I should sew that dress, dear. You will be requiring a new one very soon.”

The girl sighed, “You didn’t answer me!”

Gemma winked and said, “One day, you will know for certain what the truth is. All that it requires is a little time, dear.”

The young girl twirled around in her purple dress and spoke to her doll. “You will do what your Princess demands, servant!”

Legend Short Stories Witch's Curse Potion Image JDIV